Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Move is Over

Well, we have officially moved back to Utah as a family. The move seemed to be going well with great support from friends and the Elders Quorum in Vegas, great timing getting to SLC and help waiting for us when we got here from family. Well, that sounds too easy so we got our 26 foot, fully loaded (7600 lbs) Penske moving truck stuck in the middle of Highway 89. Kevin's dad tried to pull the truck in the steep driveway of the complex that the manager recommended we use and the back end got buried in the asphalt. The police kindly responded to the 911 call asking for help and sat in their car and watched. Kevin asked them what they recommended he do and they kindly replied "get the truck out of the street". Boy do we feel good having such intelligent law enforcement with ideas we would have never thought of on our own. We had a few people who stopped and tried to help and others that tried their best to run us over. A very kind man stopped about 1 hour into this joyous event and offered to pull the truck backwards into the street with his large diesel truck and chain and he saved us from a very large towing company bill. The rest of the move was less eventful but quite a bit of work as we chose the townhome that is in the very middle of the complex that is not easily accessible from the parking lot. We did get moved in with minimal time though and got everything moved from Vegas on a Friday and Kevin back to Vegas on Sunday with our house pretty much in order.

The first week of living in Utah again for me and the girls was also crazy. Kevin was still in Las Vegas completing his schooling and all heck broke loose. We started the school year with Gracie passing out and having to go to the hospital to get a battery of tests and clearance with the opinion of anxiety getting the best of her. Kennedy felt like she had to throw up daily when she was getting ready for school and insisted she couldn't brush her teeth long or she would lose her breakfast. Did I mention we had yet another plumbing incident with a toilet gone crazy and a dishwasher that thought it would wash the floor too! Kennedy and Gracie will never flush another toilet in their lifetimes. We are starting to think of putting an outhouse in the back yard due to our luck with plumbing. Kennedy and Gracie started school at their new school and have enjoyed it so far. They have made new friends in the complex we live in and stay pretty busy between school and the insane number of wild children roaming the complex.

Since things aren't busy enough, I have started working on potty training Molly. Let's just say there have been easier tasks to complete in my life. She is doing good, just can't wait for the better. The family picture posted represents Molly's overall daily attitude.

Kevin is getting ready to start up at the U of U working at Primary Children's Medical Center on the 22nd. He is doing some days at the Guard until he starts his new job and will take his national certification exam on the 17th.


Vallente said...

Ohhhh...I miss you guys! What a bunch of excitement! Your truck experience reminds me of ours...stuck in a gas station and the police kept telling us we had to move we weren't trying...but it was like 2 in the morning or something. Police are always so helpful, right? :) And the girls...hahaha! Glad they're adjusting well now. Good luck with the potty training!
Enjoy Utah living! Good luck with the job Kevin!

Robyn said...

Get'em started early! Nice!

Erin said...

Okay now THAT is funny. I've been waiting months and months for this. Now...get to more blogging!! Bring on the pics. :)