Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kev, Shikay & Girls

Okay so I guess I will get with the times and start a family blog. Our family currently lives in Las Vegas and will be moving to Utah in three weeks from today Yea!! Kevin will graduate the PA program on Sept 4th and will begin working at Primary Children's Hospital in the pediatric specialty care clinic. He is really excited to start this new journey! The girls are getting so big I can't believe how time flies by. Kennedy will be turning 8 in November, Gracie is 6 And Molly is 2. It is so much fun to see their personalities coming together. Kennedy is the laid back one, she enjoys computer time, reading and being active outside. Gracie has a LITTLE more energy, she loves collecting bugs( especially the ones she knows mom doesn't like), she enjoys teasing her sisters and being outside. Molly is a lot like Gracie she is full of energy and really enjoys pretending to be a cat (she mostly just meows alot.) We are truly blessed as a family.